
Stamina-building tricks for cyclists

By Lloyd Frazier posted 01-05-2021 20:04


Knowing you can ride as long as the route requires and your mates won’t have to leave you behind is a powerful feeling. The traditional approach to cycling training implies building a layer base of intensity that works as an endurance sponge before perfecting your skills. But the road racer format may not work so effectively for you because you’re a beginner who has never taken part in endurance events. 

You bought a bike to join your friends on their trips around the country and improve your health, but you’re feeling dread of energy after an hour. And they keep going, one hour, two hours, three hours, and you’re left behind because they cannot stop before they complete the route. 

Here is how to build stamina and make the most of your cycling experience

Eat and early pre-ride breakfast

You need maximal endurance to complete the route. In the morning before the ride, get an early breakfast rich in fats, carbs, and protein. Three hours before you start the journey is the ideal timing. You can also have a carb-rich drink as you leave the house to give your body an extra boost. 

Give your body the fuel it needs

To boost your endurance, you need to grow your internal reserves. Your liver and muscles have glycogen, glucose in your bloodstream, and your muscles also store triglycerides that fuel your body and keep you going. 

All these fuel tanks are responsible for your stamina. A lack of blood glucose, glycogen, and oxygen get you off the bike in the middle of the trip. Your diet provides your body with the needed nutrients and vitamins to grow your internal reserves, so research what diet should you have to improve your cycling experience. When you look out for a diet to sustain your physical activity, also research Fulvic Acid vs. Humic Acid because they’re two elements that can improve your endurance and keep you going. Your body is programmed to respond to things that come from nature, and fulvic acid and humic acid are natural products that improve your circulation, increase energy, cleanses toxins, and help your body assimilate micro and macro elements. 

Train your body

To get the most from your cycling journey, train your body to face the challenge. It would help if you were fitter to ride four to six hours (the average duration of a cycling route). Teach your body to go on for longer. You may be the type of person who tends to do too much and lose motivation when you don’t immediately see results. It’s normal not to register the same progress as your more experienced mates. You can extend your endurance to achieve 100 miles or more if you properly train. Consistent riding also helps you to build stamina. Slowly start to increase your longest ride, and set a new goal every week. Choose riding mates that have a similar or higher endurance so they can encourage you to challenge yourself and improve your performance. 

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