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Plant-based meat, a new food product, has taken the market by storm and has grown quite popular. Now, what is plant-based meat, you may ask? These are sustainable and healthier food products that imitate meat in the same taste, appearance, aroma, texture, and color. They have grown in popularity as they offer a good alternative to authentic meat and also provide a similar nutrition amount. Another reason for their instant fame is the fact that they come in conventional food processing just as meat does (sausages, meatballs, etc.) So, is it a good addition to your diet? Let's find out. A healthier alternative Red meat is known to have a high amount of ...
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The availability of dietary supplements that encapsulate a ton of benefits in just a capsule sounds great, but it takes away our attention from the potentially harmful risks they pose. Many people have made it a part of their daily diet while ignoring the need for a good diet. Here are five hidden risks of taking dietary supplements. Fat burning supplements Fat-burning supplements sound too good to be true. Having one pill a day helps you burn fat? It sounds great, but these supplements are artificial and thus pose a risk for your body, which only fully benefits from natural products. You need not indulge in rigorous exercise to burn fat, but doing ...
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Using your bicycle to go from one place to the other is highly beneficial as it is a healthy exercise, and it helps the environment as well. However, the dangers are not rare. In fact, it may come as a surprise, but bike accidents happen quite often. As many aren't necessarily fatal and only involve superficial injuries, the victims choose not to go to the emergency room for a minor crash . What's more, if there is little to no pain, many people conclude that the trauma is not substantial. But they shouldn’t be ignored as you don’t know for sure the consequences of a crash, no matter how small or big it is. So, if you’ve been involved in a bike accident ...
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Every person reacts differently to loss and it’s a highly personal process that can manifest in a roller coaster of emotions including shock, numbness, anxiety, loneliness and anger. Grief counselling won’t solve every problem associated with your loss but it can help you to grieve without it destroying you. The emotional support of family and friends is very important but counselling can help you to navigate all the complex feelings and reach a resolution in a healthy way. Understand more about what you’re going through A grief counsellor will help you to understand what you’re experiencing. Family and friends may have very positive intentions ...
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Cycling has slowly but surely taken over the world and it’s not hard to understand why. It’s a fantastic means of transportation, it’s environmentally-friendly, not to mention that biking is a good sporting activity. Biking is a powerful workout that helps you get fit in a small period of time. Some studies have demonstrated that intense exercise can deplete the body of testosterone . More exactly, the basal activity of the pineal gland, adrenal gland, and testis can decrease following consecutive days of intense, long-term exercise such as cycling. This decrease in hormone levels is linked not only to working out the muscles but also to metabolic stress, ...
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Cycling has slowly but surely taken over the world and it’s not hard to understand why. It’s a fantastic means of transportation, it’s environmentally-friendly, not to mention that biking is a good sporting activity. Biking is a powerful workout that helps you get fit in a small period of time. Some studies have demonstrated that intense exercise can deplete the body of testosterone . More exactly, the basal activity of the pineal gland, adrenal gland, and testis can decrease following consecutive days of intense, long-term exercise such as cycling. This decrease in hormone levels is linked not only to working out the muscles but also to metabolic stress, ...
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A person’s understanding of their basal metabolic rate (BMR) is essential for formulating an effective weight loss program. BMR is a calculation of the bare minimum number of calories the body needs to sustain life. Many would-be dieters starve themselves, convinced that energy is only necessary for exercise and fitness programs. Indeed, this is not true as the body needs a particular number of calories to continue regular functioning like breathing and reaching homeostasis, where all bodily substances are at optimal, balanced levels. What is BMR? The body’s metabolism is what determines your BMR. Some people have a slower metabolic rate than others, ...
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Many people go through life without learning much about their bodies. Yet, when men begin to experience less muscle strength, lower bone strength, and other indicators of low testosterone levels, they have to scramble for knowledge. Fortunately, the answers are rather simple for the question, what is testosterone? What are Testosterone’s Functions? Typically, testosterone production spikes when a male reaches puberty. The sex hormone is responsible for an increase in sex drive, maturation of the sex organs, increase in muscle mass, increase in bone density, the growth of facial hair and body hair, and deepening of the voice. During this time, boys ...
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Obesity is one of the leading causes of disease in death in the US and across the world due to poor diets and lifestyles. In fact, the increase in obesity can be directly linked to the increase in demand and availability of junk food and fast-food outlets across the world. Add to this the prevalence of sedentary lifestyles where people sit at work all day, drive home through traffic and get no exercise or outdoor activity, and you’ve got a recipe for disaster. If you’re struggling to break out of this loop and lose some extra weight that you’re carrying, here are some tried and tested weight loss tips that you can apply using things that you already ...
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Knowing you can ride as long as the route requires and your mates won’t have to leave you behind is a powerful feeling. The traditional approach to cycling training implies building a layer base of intensity that works as an endurance sponge before perfecting your skills. But the road racer format may not work so effectively for you because you’re a beginner who has never taken part in endurance events. You bought a bike to join your friends on their trips around the country and improve your health, but you’re feeling dread of energy after an hour. And they keep going, one hour, two hours, three hours, and you’re left behind because they cannot stop before ...
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Though it’s not yet possible to wholly explain the effects of energy medicine through the lens of science—the healing relationship contains intangible elements that will always remain mysterious—it is clear to me that the practice obeys the laws of physics in significant ways. Practically speaking, we are all connected through our electromagnetic fields, be it of our whole bodies or those of our brains or our hearts, but I believe—as the work of Dr. Gary Schwartz, the HeartMath Institute, and the PEAR lab also suggest—that we are able to affect one another with our energy fields. We are, in this way, creating a communal movement that, as the Global Consciousness ...