
The Hidden Risks of Taking Dietary Supplements

By Lloyd Frazier posted 04-15-2021 12:11


The availability of dietary supplements that encapsulate a ton of benefits in just a capsule sounds great, but it takes away our attention from the potentially harmful risks they pose. Many people have made it a part of their daily diet while ignoring the need for a good diet. Here are five hidden risks of taking dietary supplements. 

Fat burning supplements

Fat-burning supplements sound too good to be true. Having one pill a day helps you burn fat? It sounds great, but these supplements are artificial and thus pose a risk for your body, which only fully benefits from natural products. 

You need not indulge in rigorous exercise to burn fat, but doing simple tasks around the house and taking a jog a couple of times in the week can help with weight loss. Another great way is to drink weight-loss teas such as green tea and catnip tea. You can find information on the best teas for weight loss on

Soya isolate

Soya has posed a serious risk for women, with new studies showing a drop in estrogen levels due to the increase in soya intake. Soya isolates thus increases this risk, as it is a lot more potent than other soya sources. 

If you are a woman and wish to have soya as a protein supplement, you can eat tofu or edamame beans instead. These haven’t shown any significant risks for women and are safe and natural to consume. Getting these products from an organic store would make them a lot safer to consume. 

Fish oil supplements

Fish oil supplements don’t directly pose a threat through their consumption, but studies have shown they can be very inconsistent and may not provide any benefits at all. Omega-3 fatty acids are good for people with heart diseases. However, fish oil supplements did not reduce their risk of heart attacks. 

Instead, it would be better to include omega-3 rich fish in your diet, such as salmon, trout, sardines, and mackerel. You’d get a sufficient amount of omega-3 fatty acids while also getting protein and other nutrients, which you wouldn’t get from fish oil supplements. You can even opt for omega-3 eggs, which are easily available in the market today.


Many people choose to have multivitamins and completely disregard the importance of a good healthy diet. While multivitamins are good in small quantities, relying on them completely for vitamin supplements can cause serious health problems. Studies have shown that a high intake of multivitamins resulted in reduced life-spans. 

Opting for a healthy diet should always be a priority. Supplements aren’t meant to replace food but only cover up any lack of nutrients. Prepping low-carb, high fat, and high protein meals will ensure you get all the necessary nutrients you need to stay healthy. Only if you’re prescribed multivitamins by your doctor should you decide to have them. Rely completely on your diet for the different vitamins instead.

Calcium supplements

Calcium supplements are advised to those with weak bone structures or low Vitamin B-12 levels as calcium is important for your bones and heart. But supplements shouldn’t be your only source of calcium. 

Studies have shown that many people increase their calcium to the extent where it starts affecting them negatively. Excess calcium intake, thanks to the supplements, resulted in a deposition on the artery walls and increased the risk of blockage and increased pressure on the heart. 

It’s not a difficult task to get the required amount of calcium from your diet. Milk and greens are just a few of the many sources of calcium that you must incorporate into your diet. 

